Los Angeles Swimming Pool Accident Attorney
Los Angeles swimming pool accidents often occur due to property owner negligence. Residential and commercial property owners have a duty to take proper precautions to prevent accidents on their property. According to the CDC in 2007, more than 3,000 people died as a result of a drowning accident. For every person who died as a result of accidental drowning, thousands more were injured as a result of a submersion accident.
Tragically, in Los Angeles swimming pool accidents, many drowning victims are young children. The CDC reports that drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional, injury-related death among children ages 1 to 14.
One significant cause of drowning and submersion injuries is Los Angeles swimming pool accidents and common causes of these accidents include: unmarked or poorly marked pool depth, improper safety warnings, broken latches or unsecured latches and inadequate fencing around the pool.
Many drowning accidents and other Los Angeles swimming pool accidents occur when children gain access to a pool at a time in which they are not being monitored. Inadequate fencing and broken gate latches create an unacceptable risk of harm to young children. Property owners can and should take appropriate actions to prevent children from gaining access to their pool without proper supervision.
If you feel that a property owner's negligence may have contributed to a swimming pool accident that has caused serious injury or death, you can arrange a free consultation with Freiman Legal at (310) 917-1004.