Los Angeles Recorded Statement Attorney

A motor vehicle accident can be devastating.  The last thing one thinks about is what information to provide to the insurance company.  At Freiman Legal, a common question we often get asked from our Los Angeles clients is "Should I give the insurance company a recorded statement" after a car accident.  It is important to report a car accident to your insurance company regardless of who was at fault.  The failure to report a motor vehicle accident could affect your rights under your insurance policy.

However, you should never give an oral or written statement to any insurance company until you have consulted with a lawyer.  Insurance companies are notorious for trying to obtain a recorded statement as soon as possible since they know that you are more vulnerable immediately after a motor vehicle accident and probably have not realized the extent of your injuries.

Most importantly, the insurance companies know that it is more likely that you have not yet spoken to a lawyer who has advised you about whether to give a recorded statement and if so, what information you should provide.

If you live in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas and have been injured in any type of motor vehicle accident and have been asked to give a recorded statement, contact Freiman Legal immediately at 310-917-1024 for a free consultation and case evaluation.